This Wednesday and Thursday, head to Boulevard Descat for a fashion show and sale featuring regional designers, selected by talent scout Zaïneb Karroumi El Kadiri.

How are the designers for Afrifata selected?

Afrifata is a non-profit organization that supports fashion talents from priority neighborhoods who are already trained, to help them promote their identity. For this event called “Mel toi du territoire” (Get to Know Your Territory), its president, Zaïneb Karroumi El Kadiri, a true talent scout, offers a selection of designers who are among her best students.

What can we shop for?

Artisanal ready-to-wear clothing designed by the stylists supported by Afrifata starting from €20, as well as upcycled jewelry and decor items (reclaimed and reinvented).

Where is the sale taking place?

At the Chaufferie, 99A Boulevard Constantin-Descat, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Tourcoing.

And the fashion show?

It’s at the same location, but on Thursday, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. (free entry). This time, the unique pieces from 20 designers will be featured in the fashion show, accompanied by culinary entertainment led by a starred chef. These pieces will then be available for sale at the Afrifata Academy, 162 Rue du Faubourg-des-Postes, in Lille.

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